

Board-wide Date Ranges and Filters

Boards allow you to alter some aspects of the queries within each of the reports on that board, making it simple to ensure every report is showing results from a consistent set of data.  Both date ranges and filters can be added by clicking "Add Filter" at the top right of the board.  This will open a row, shown below, where the date range can be selected, and filters can be applied.


By default, date ranges and filters are temporary, allowing you to explore the data without overwriting the board. But, if you wish to save the date range and filter selections you've made to the board, so they'll appear for other users as well, click "Save to Board."

Note Applying date ranges and filters on a board does not change the queries saved in each individual report; instead, it only changes the data displayed when you view those reports in the current board. If you click into a report from the board, however, Mixpanel will maintain the date range and filters to ensure you see data consistent between the board and report. Navigate to the report on its own, though, and you'll see the report's original saved date range and filters.

Board Digests

Board Digests are a snapshot of a board sent as an email or a slack message. Digests allow members to share recent data with both project members and external audiences, providing quick and meaningful insight into a Mixpanel project.

You must be a Project Owner, Admin, or Analyst to create digests.

Digests can be sent once or sent repeatedly, presenting the option to send pertinent information once or to send data updates on a recurring basis. They can easily be built and managed as part of a Mixpanel Board report. Note that digests only show the 8 reports that are on the top of a board.

To create a Board Digest:

  1. Select Digests from the overflow menu at the top right of the board.


  2. The Digest Settings Control Center will display all active Digests. To create a new Digest, click + Create Digest in the top right corner.

  3. Fill out the resulting form, including the name of the digest, the board upon which the digest is based (note: the digest will only contain the first 8 reports in the board due to email size limitations), the intended email recipients or Slack channel, and the sending frequency (one time ASAP, daily, weekly, or monthly).

    • Any email address will receive the digest, whether or not they are internal or external to your organization
    • Private Slack Channels are not available, at this time.
  4. Click 'Send'.

Digests for Private Boards

It is possible to share a digest for a private board. However, there are some restrictions to what will be visible or accessible.

  1. If you convert a regular board with digests into a private board, existing digests will still work with existing recipients. However, if they click View Board, they will not be able to access your private board. Creating new digests or editing existing digests within the private board will force you to limit recipients to yourself.
  2. You cannot edit digests of someone else’s private board without selecting a different board that you have access to (regardless of your permissions or role). You can still delete the digest or select a different board.
  3. You cannot see the title of someone else’s private board in a digest. The private board will appear as “Unknown Private Board”.


Sharing and permissions are set at the board level, and all reports saved on a board inherit the same set of sharing and permissions settings of that board.

To share a board, and therefore all reports contained within it, click the Share button at the top right of the board. From here, sharing works as before, but remember, sharing a board now shares all of that board's reports as well. 


Both reports and boards can also be shared via the "Copy URL" button at the top right. Clicking this button will immediately copy the short link to the report or board, so you can quickly paste it into your application of choice.


So long as the recipient has access to the project, they will be able to see the shared report or board. However, unless they have specifically given Editor permissions, they will only be able to view it, not edit it.


Sharing and permissions are set at the board level, and all reports saved on a board inherit the same set of sharing and permissions settings of that board.

In the sharing process, you can choose the permissions level granted to the individual with whom you're sharing the board. Teammates with access to a board can either be Viewers (any changes made will not be saved) or Editors (changes made will be saved). 

As with sharing, setting a user's permission level on a board will give them the same permission level for all reports on that board.


Where are reports saved to?

Reports are always saved to boards. Previously, reports were separately saved and added to boards. In boards now, when you save a report, you'll be prompted to save it to a specific board. In essence, the board now acts as a folder, with many potential purposes, including:

  • A centralized place to track numerous metrics related to a product launch
  • A chain of analyses digging into a particular behaviour or issue
  • A set of draft reports you're working on

This will make it easy to keep reports organized, and reduce time wasted recreating the same reports again and again.

Note: This change only applies to the reports that can be added to boards—Mixpanel's core reports: Insights, Flows, Funnels, and Retention. Advanced reports like Signal, Experiments, and Impact have been moved to the Applications folder at the top right of the page.


Where are sharing and permissions set?

Previously, sharing and permissions were editable at both the report and board levels. This made managing sharing and permissions tedious due to the sheer number of items requiring individual settings.

Now, all reports saved on the same board will have the same sharing and permissions settings. This means sharing multiple reports with your team is a simple matter of sharing the board. As before, however, any report or board can be shared by simply clicking the "Copy URL" button, and sharing the resulting short link.


What happens to reports on multiple boards?

All copies of reports have a source location. This can be seen when looking at the report details.


However, the same report can be viewed from multiple different boards.


On boards, the arrow icon on the top left indicates of the report lives on this board, or is a linked view.

What is a linked report?

Every report in Mixpanel has a board where it was originally saved to. This is called the original board. However, in the interest of being able to use the same report across a variety of boards and sharing the same insight across your team and company, Mixpanel has introduced the concept of a "linked report". A linked report is denoted by the arrow in the icon of the report. Any time an existing report is added to a board or a copy is made, a linked report is made. Any changes to the report will get reflected in all of the linked reports associated with the report.
